Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Happy Birthday, Nikola Tesla!

In honor of Nikola Tesla's birthday, here are 10 fun facts you may not know about the esteemed inventor.
  1. He perfected alternating current, which we used today. Alternating current has many advantages over direct current (which Edison supported).
  2. Tesla demonstrated the first remote-controlled model boat at Madison Garden in 1898.
  3. He proposed the concept of RADAR (using energy waves to detect German subs) at the beginning of World War I. Unfortunately Thomas Edison was the head of R&D for the military and rejected the idea, claiming it was crazy.
  4. Tesla was awarded the Edison Metal, which was an insult to Tesla.
  5. If Tesla lived in current days he would probably be diagnosed with OCD. Among other things he was obsessed with the number 3.
  6. Tesla was a vegetarian in later years.
  7. Tesla coils have the capability of transmitting energy wirelessly. Tesla wanted to give the world wireless electricity, however his backers objected when they realized there was no way to regulate it (i.e.: they wouldn't be able to make a profit).
  8. Marconi is credited with the invention of the radio, however after the invention of the Tesla Coil, Nicola Tesla discovered that he could transmit and receive powerful radio signals. Marconi borrowed 17 of Tesla's patents for the invention of the radio.
  9. Edison and Tesla had a rivalry, but when Tesla first arrived in the United States he worked for Edison for a while.
  10. Tesla was celibate, believing that women were a distraction from where he should be focussing his energy: his work.

Additionally, some fun links about Nikola Tesla:


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